Covid may have impacted our social lives, but it allowed the virtual world to enter our homes easily and conveniently. We responded to this new reality by going virtual. Knowledge is power, and here at Scleroderma Victoria, we want you to have all the knowledge you need to be empowered and informed.
Through these Virtual Education Sessions, we aim to cover topics that interest you, but more importantly, issues that matter. From managing cold hands to accessing your super, our virtual sessions may help your day-to-day life.
Unfortunately, not all the sessions are recorded to be accessed later. This is at the discretion of the speaker. But we have given you some options below, so you don’t miss out.
Let’s answer a few burning questions.
Who can attend these sessions?
Anyone. Really! The sessions are for family, friends and carers of people with scleroderma. Remember, knowledge is power. Empower your greatest supporters with information.
Members of Scleroderma Victoria: Free
Non-Members: $5
What do we cover in these sessions?
We host a guest speaker to chat about a scleroderma topic at each session. Sessions cover a broad range of issues, from managing cold hands to accessing your superannuation.
Our speakers often specialise in scleroderma topics. They might be medical doctors, researchers, legal professionals, or other experts.
Let us know which topics you want to hear about by filling in our survey at this link:
How do I attend these education sessions?
Virtually. Make a cup of tea and pull up a comfortable seat, and the session will come to you. Because they are held online, anyone around Australia, or even the world, can attend.
When are the Virtual Education Sessions?
The sessions are available every second Saturday of the month from 10.30 am to 12 pm.
How do I find out about what’s coming up?
By liking and following our Facebook pages: Scleroderma Victoria and Scleroderma Australia, you will have access to all the information about our upcoming virtual education sessions.
Another way to find out about sessions is by signing up for the Scleroderma Australia newsletter. This free newsletter comes straight to your inbox to remind you of upcoming sessions and topics.
You can also follow us on Eventbrite.
Will the sessions be recorded?
With the permission of the guest speaker, we will record the session. This recording is sent to all those who register via Eventbrite.
Please note that we will not record pre-discussion and questions.
Can I ask questions at the sessions?
The Virtual Education Sessions aim to share information and empower you through knowledge, so if you have a question, we will try and answer it.
However, to avoid the speaker being interrupted, we’ll save time at the end for a question and answer session, allowing you to get the information you need.
If you don’t have any questions, that’s fine too; you’re welcome to listen.
How do I access the sessions on my computer?
We use Google Meet, which works best in the Google Chrome browser or via your device’s downloaded Google Meet App.
If tech is an issue, please let us know in the survey or reach out to Scleroderma Victoria directly.
Still not sure about these sessions? Take a look at this VES promotional Video.
If you subscribe or follow Scleroderma Victoria on the links below, you will grow your community and find support and information that could change your world.