Scleroderma Victoria is run by a Committee of dedicated volunteers whom assist our members by:
- publishing informative newsletters
- growing a network of support groups located throughout Melbourne and regional Victoria
- funding and organising education, awareness and fundraising events
- supporting specialists and medical practitioners to build expertise in managing this chronic illness
- funding the Scleroderma Nurses at specific hospitals
- assisting members by promoting social inclusion with our Kerry McDonald Equipment Program
Scleroderma Clinical Nurses
Scleroderma Victoria assists with funding for two Scleroderma Clinical Nurses across Victoria to provide vital and immediate care to people with Scleroderma and contribute to international research and practice on wound management and other symptoms.
Each nurse plays an important role in managing the various symptoms of people with Scleroderma and they provide beneficial advice and education on wound care, clinical appointments and medical tests. Another major responsibility is to collect and maintain information in the Scleroderma database. This information is vital to the ongoing improvement of treatments and healthcare available to scleroderma patients.
To make an appointment in the Scleroderma Clinic you need a referral letter from your GP, Rheumatologist or specialist.
Monash Medical Centre
246 Clayton Rd, Clayton VIC 3168
Monday to Thursday and is contactable on (03) 9594 3566.
St Vincent’s Hospital Clinic
41 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy Vic 3065
Available on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and can be contacted on (03) 9231 3983.
Emma Bavage – Royal Hobart Hospital Tasmania
8 Liverpool St, Hobart TAS 7000
Emma Bavage is the Clinical Nurse Consultant in rheumatology at the Royal Hobart Hospital. Emma provides specialist nursing care in the scleroderma clinic (statewide based) in conjunction with Dr Jane Zochling and the rheumatology team in Hobart. Scleroderma Victoria hopes to fund the nurses again, and we encourage people with Scleroderma in Tasmania to become a member to help us facilitate the great work Emma does at Royal Hobart Hospital.
Emma is easily contactable on 03 6166 7659.
Oral Medicine for Scleroderma
The Oral Medicine Department at The Royal Dental Hospital of Melbourne is an initiated pathway for individuals with Scleroderma to be assessed for oral manifestations associated with their diagnosis. A diagnosis of scleroderma may place an individual an increased risk of oral challenges. For example, some individuals experience a narrowing of their mouth (microstomia) or changes in salivary flow. Oral Medicine is a specialty which diagnoses and manages oral skin diseases and non-tooth related pain syndromes of the mouth and jaws.
The purpose of this clinic is to individually assess if you may have scleroderma associated mouth changes and if you require tailored oral care. The Oral Medicine Scleroderma Clinic is not designed to manage general dental care such as fillings and dental cleans but rather the symptoms of dry mouth, ulcerations, jaw pain and microstomia.
We will be able to provide direction on where you may be able to access general dental care and provide advice to your oral health provider. If you are on a current health care or pension card, you will qualify for general dental treatment within the dental hospital or community centres for general dental care.
Contact and Enquiries
Please contact us by email to or call 03 9231 3651 and leave a message.
If you have an urgent medical issue, call your doctor, specialist or ‘000’ for an ambulance.